DeFi Yield Protocol Airdrop " 免费领取DYP代币

DeFi Yield Protocol Airdrop " 免费领取DYP代币
Paul Allen

DeFi Yield Protocol(DYP)正在开发一个平台,允许任何人提供流动性并获得DYP代币的奖励,同时既保持代币价格稳定,又为最终用户提供安全和简化的DeFi。

DeFi Yield Protocol正在举办一个悬赏活动,总奖励为 200 ETH 完成赏金页面上提到的简单赏金任务,并向赏金Telegram群组提交您的详细资料,以获得您在总奖池中的份额。 在众筹后持有至少100个DYP的白名单参与者也将获得价值不菲的奖池份额。 50,000美元ETH 在他们的代币销售结束后。

  1. 请访问DeFi Yield Protocol赏金页面并仔细阅读规则。
  2. 加入他们的Telegram小组,并留下至少一个建设性的评论,同时加入Telegram赏金小组。
  3. 现在开始参加不同的赏金活动。 不需要参加所有的活动。
  4. 赏金活动的划分如下所示:
    竞选活动 每星期的赌注 每个活动的分配
    推特 1250 桩 25%
    电报 1250 桩 25%
    纪元 1250 桩 25%
    淘宝网 1250 桩 25%
  5. 赏金参与者需要在每周五23:59 UTC之前以Docx格式向Telegram赏金小组提交每周报告。
  6. 所有参与者都需要填写赏金认证表以加入赏金活动。
  7. 赏金奖励将在赏金活动结束后72小时内发放。
  8. 用户获得的奖励金额将取决于他/她拥有的赌注数量。 每个赌注价值0.01 ETH。
  9. 如果你在他们的主群而不是赏金群中谈论赏金活动,你将被禁止领取奖励。
  10. 此外,还将为参与众筹并持有至少100个DYP代币的白名单参与者提供赠品。 总共50,000 ETH的资金将分享给所有符合条件的参与者。 只有当你有意向参与众筹时,才能注册白名单。
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See_also: Xfinite Airdrop " 申请免费的XET代币


See_also: 蜂蜜交换空投 " 免费领取xComb代币
  • 加入团体


Paul Allen
Paul Allen
Paul Allen is a seasoned cryptocurrency enthusiast and expert in the crypto space who has been exploring blockchain and cryptocurrency for more than a decade. He has been a passionate advocate of blockchain technology, and his expertise in the field has been invaluable to many investors, startups, and businesses. With his depth of knowledge of the crypto industry, he has been able to successfully invest and trade across a broad spectrum of cryptocurrencies over the years. Paul is also a respected financial writer and speaker who is regularly featured in leading business publications, providing expert advice and insights on blockchain technology, the future of money and the benefits and potential of the decentralized economy. Paul has founded the Crypto Airdrops List blog to share his knowledge about the ever-changing world of crypto and help people stay on top of the latest developments in the space.