DEXTools空投 " 申请免费DEXT代币

DEXTools空投 " 申请免费DEXT代币
Paul Allen

DEXTools是DEX交易工具和信息的一站式商店。 它为DEX交易者提供流动性池信息、实时图表、交易历史、图表工具、趋势性的Uniswap "热门对"、通过DEXT评分的项目完整性评级、团队钱包交易的跟踪器、前面运行的机器人的跟踪器,等等。

DEXTools正在空投总共有多少个 12,000,000 dext 持有至少100,000个DEXT,才有资格从每月1,000,000个DEXT的资金池中获得一个份额。

  1. 在私人钱包中至少持有100,000个DEXT。
  2. 第一次快照是在2020年11月15日的UTC 18:00拍摄的,其余11次快照将在每个月的第一个UTC 00:00拍摄,直到2021年10月1日。
  3. 总共有12,000,000 DEXT被分配,其中每个月有1,000,000 DEXT的分配。
  4. 你获得的DEXT奖励的数量将与所有钱包的合格持有量成正比。
  5. 奖励将在每个月拍摄快照的同一时间分发。
  6. 关于空投的更多信息,请看这篇Medium帖子。

Paul Allen
Paul Allen
Paul Allen is a seasoned cryptocurrency enthusiast and expert in the crypto space who has been exploring blockchain and cryptocurrency for more than a decade. He has been a passionate advocate of blockchain technology, and his expertise in the field has been invaluable to many investors, startups, and businesses. With his depth of knowledge of the crypto industry, he has been able to successfully invest and trade across a broad spectrum of cryptocurrencies over the years. Paul is also a respected financial writer and speaker who is regularly featured in leading business publications, providing expert advice and insights on blockchain technology, the future of money and the benefits and potential of the decentralized economy. Paul has founded the Crypto Airdrops List blog to share his knowledge about the ever-changing world of crypto and help people stay on top of the latest developments in the space.