POAP空投 " 申请免费POAP代币

POAP空投 " 申请免费POAP代币
Paul Allen

POAP是一个软件系统,允许人类在每次参加活动时收集徽章(以不可替代的代币形式),无论是亲自参加还是远程参加。 这是一个活动组织者可以轻松使用的系统,向出现的人分发出席的加密徽章,为与会者提供展示和分享他们获得的徽章的工具,并为Dapp开发者提供一个开放标准,以建在上面的。

POAP正在向历史性的加密货币活动的早期参与者空投免费的NFT。 访问空投页面,连接您的Metamask钱包,并点击相关的活动页面来认领您的NFT。 一旦认领,它们可以在POAPscan或任何其他支持NFT的界面上查看,如Ethereum和在OpenSea上交易。

  1. 访问POAP网站。并从右上方连接你的Metamask钱包。
  2. 历史性加密事件的参与者将能够申请免费的POAP NFT,其中包括帮助建立Inverse Finance DAO的409名INVaders原始小组的用户、第一批Beacon Chain储户和验证者、合格的r/ethtrader subreddit用户、AAVE V2先锋、帮助启动yearn.finance协议的用户以及许多其他事件的参与者。在空投页面上提到。
  3. 点击 "申请你的POAP",检查你是否有资格申请相应加密活动的免费POAP。
  4. 如果你有资格,那么你将能够使用Metamask申请你的NFT。
  5. 可以在POAPscan或任何其他支持NFT的界面(如Ethereum或OpenSea)上查看声称的NFT。
  6. Claimed也可以在NFTs市场上交易,如OpenSea。

Paul Allen
Paul Allen
Paul Allen is a seasoned cryptocurrency enthusiast and expert in the crypto space who has been exploring blockchain and cryptocurrency for more than a decade. He has been a passionate advocate of blockchain technology, and his expertise in the field has been invaluable to many investors, startups, and businesses. With his depth of knowledge of the crypto industry, he has been able to successfully invest and trade across a broad spectrum of cryptocurrencies over the years. Paul is also a respected financial writer and speaker who is regularly featured in leading business publications, providing expert advice and insights on blockchain technology, the future of money and the benefits and potential of the decentralized economy. Paul has founded the Crypto Airdrops List blog to share his knowledge about the ever-changing world of crypto and help people stay on top of the latest developments in the space.