Rarible Airdrop " 申请免费的RARI代币

Rarible Airdrop " 申请免费的RARI代币
Paul Allen

Rarible是一个NFT市场,在这里你可以铸造、购买和销售数字收藏品,而不需要任何编码技能。 RARI是Rarible的原生治理代币,旨在奖励活跃的平台用户,让他们对平台的未来拥有发言权。

Rarible的最终目标是发展成为一个完全去中心化的自治组织(DAO),所有的治理和决策权都属于平台用户。 Rarible已经可以在Uniswap上交易,也在CoinMarketCap和CoinGecko上市。

See_also: Overline Airdrop " 申请免费EMB代币

为了庆祝Rarible在Decentraland上的推出,他们将向LAND持有人分享免费的RARI代币。 使用Metamask注册该活动,你将能够从10月14日开始领取你的RARI。 该快照是在7月拍摄的,如果你注册该活动,符合条件的持有人将获得免费的RARI。 所有未领取的代币将与所有已注册该活动的非LAND持有人分享。

See_also: eden.best Airdrop " 申请1000个免费Eden代币(~6.5美元) 一步一步的指南:
  1. 请访问Decentraland上的Rarible空投活动页面。
  2. 点击 "想去",用Metamask报名参加该活动。
  3. 7月份对所有LAND持有人的钱包进行了快照,你将收到相当于你在快照期间持有的LAND的一定比例的空投。
  4. 您可以从10月14日起领取您的RARI代币。
  5. 对兰德持有人的索赔将只开放一个星期,所以确保在一个星期内访问该活动。
  6. 无人认领的RARI将在第一周后平均分配给所有报名参加该活动的非LAND持有人。

Paul Allen
Paul Allen
Paul Allen is a seasoned cryptocurrency enthusiast and expert in the crypto space who has been exploring blockchain and cryptocurrency for more than a decade. He has been a passionate advocate of blockchain technology, and his expertise in the field has been invaluable to many investors, startups, and businesses. With his depth of knowledge of the crypto industry, he has been able to successfully invest and trade across a broad spectrum of cryptocurrencies over the years. Paul is also a respected financial writer and speaker who is regularly featured in leading business publications, providing expert advice and insights on blockchain technology, the future of money and the benefits and potential of the decentralized economy. Paul has founded the Crypto Airdrops List blog to share his knowledge about the ever-changing world of crypto and help people stay on top of the latest developments in the space.