MurAll Airdrop " 申请高达1,048,576个免费PAINT代币(约2,200美元)。

MurAll Airdrop " 申请高达1,048,576个免费PAINT代币(约2,200美元)。
Paul Allen

MurAll是一个链上数字合作壁画/画布/墙,任何地方的人都可以在上面画画,不限制你画什么。 MurAll项目的整个精神是,它符合区块链的叙述,即一个不过滤、审查或阻止任何交易的中立场所。

MurAll正在向NFT艺术家和NFT持有人空投免费的PAINT代币。 来自Known Origin、Rarible、SuperRare和Async Art的经过验证的NFT艺术家和兼容ERC-721的NFT持有人有资格申请空投。 NFT艺术家快照于2020年11月15日拍摄,NFT持有人快照于2020年12月18日拍摄。 合格的NFT艺术家可以申请1,048,576个PAINT,NFT持有人可以索要193,537个PAINT代币。

  1. 访问MurAll网站。
  2. 连接你的Metamask钱包。
  3. 如果你有资格,那么你可以申请你的PAINT代币。
  4. 来自已知起源、稀有、超级稀有和异步艺术的经过验证的NFT艺术家的快照是在2020年11月15日拍摄的,NFT持有人的快照是在2020年12月18日拍摄。
  5. NFT持有者必须使用与ERC-721兼容的NFT,并且使用该NFT的入账交易多于出账交易,才有资格。
  6. 符合条件的参与者可以在2022年1月22日之前领取奖励。
  7. 有关空投的更多信息,请查看MurALL FAQ页面。

Paul Allen
Paul Allen
Paul Allen is a seasoned cryptocurrency enthusiast and expert in the crypto space who has been exploring blockchain and cryptocurrency for more than a decade. He has been a passionate advocate of blockchain technology, and his expertise in the field has been invaluable to many investors, startups, and businesses. With his depth of knowledge of the crypto industry, he has been able to successfully invest and trade across a broad spectrum of cryptocurrencies over the years. Paul is also a respected financial writer and speaker who is regularly featured in leading business publications, providing expert advice and insights on blockchain technology, the future of money and the benefits and potential of the decentralized economy. Paul has founded the Crypto Airdrops List blog to share his knowledge about the ever-changing world of crypto and help people stay on top of the latest developments in the space.